Note: These Special Offers are for participants of Australia’s Healthiest Workplace Challenge only, and are available from now until July 29th Awards Ceremony. ShaeWellness is a global organisation operating in 120+ countries and all prices are in USD.
ACTIVATOR Relationships360 Course
One payment of $197 Unlimited Access
Don't miss out!
Explore relationships through your Activator HealthType lens, including:
- Identity and Flow
- Activator relationships in Childhood
- Activators as Siblings
- Love Languages
- Romantic relationships and the Activator
- Activators as Parents
- 2 x LIVE Interactive Masterclasses
CONNECTOR Relationships360 Course
One payment of $197 Unlimited Access
Don't miss out!
Explore relationships through your Connector HealthType lens, including:
- Identity and Flow
- Connector relationships in Childhood
- Connectors as Siblings
- Love Languages
- Romantic relationships and the Connector
- Connectors as Parents
- 2 x LIVE Interactive
GUARDIAN Relationships360 Course
One payment of $197 Unlimited Access
Don't miss out!
Explore relationships through your Guardian HealthType lens, including:
- Identity and Flow
- Guardian relationships in Childhood
- Guardians as Siblings
- Love Languages
- Romantic relationships and the Guardian
- Guardians as Parents
- 2 x LIVE Interactive Masterclasses
DIPLOMAT Relationships360 Course
One payment of $197 Unlimited Access
Don't miss out!
Explore relationships through your Diplomat HealthType lens, including:
- Identity and Flow
- Diplomat relationships in Childhood
- Diplomats as Siblings
- Love Languages
- Romantic relationships and the Diplomat
- Diplomats as Parents
- 2 x LIVE Interactive Masterclasses
SENSOR Relationships360 Course
One payment of $197 Unlimited Access
Don't miss out!
Explore relationships through your Sensor HealthType lens, including:
- Identity and Flow
- Sensor relationships in Childhood
- Sensors as Siblings
- Love Languages
- Romantic relationships and the Sensor
- Sensors as Parents
- 2 x LIVE Interactive Masterclasses
CRUSADER Relationships360 Course
One payment of $197 Unlimited Access
Don't miss out!
Explore relationships through your Crusader HealthType lens, including:
- Identity and Flow
- Crusader relationships in Childhood
- Crusaders as Siblings
- Love Languages
- Romantic relationships and the Crusader
- Crusader as Parents
- 2 x LIVE Interactive Masterclasses
If you have any questions or need assistance, please email us at[email protected]