Personalized Pathways to Optimizing Your Health

Customize your ShaeWellness™ Services to maximize your experience. From one-on-one consultations to group training, to immersion retreats, ShaeWellness™ offers a variety of success tools.

Precision Health Coaching

As you know by now, everyone is different and the support needs of each individual are highly unique. We know that different people will benefit from different forms of further support. Some will require frequent check-ins with a coach; others will require more detailed information; or times when they can get together with similar individuals and feel the support of a like-minded group.

Your support system is unique to you. ShaeWellness™ has you covered with a variety of options to support you in the best way possible.

Live or Virtual Coaching

From one-on-one coaching to group coaching, ShaeWellness™ has a database full of Professional Health Coaches fully trained in personalized health  and epigenetics, ready to deliver customized support to you. See More

Individual Coaching

Whether you or your staff find you need an accountability buddy or just a friendly shoulder to lean on, your Personalized Health Coach gives you that and so much more. Once you allow your coach access to your coaching interface, your personalized health program bursts alive with incredible insights. Discussing, understanding, and realizing more in-depth insights from your ShaeWellness™ profile means you have a crystal clear pathway to reach your full potential. See More

Group Coaching

For those who enjoy group discussions, or prefer to be a spectator (listening and implementing in their own time), the ShaeWellness™ Group Coaching focuses not only on your particular health needs (aka HealthType™) but also your particular department. A Crusader Accountant does not need the same coaching exercises as a Guardian Manager. And a Guardian Manager does not need the same coaching activities as an Activator Manager. The ShaeWellness™ coaching groups become your go-to for a collective of people who understand just what it’s like to be ‘you’ at work. See More

Workshops and Training Modules

ShaeWellness™ offers a variety of workshops and training both online and in-person, tailored to be relevant to your business. Workshops and Training Modules cover extensive topics. Which ones are right for you?

Managing a Team

Need to produce better results?
  • “Communication That Works” to learn the subtle differences between communications that relay ideas and communications that produce results.
  • “Inherent Motivations And Rewards” to understand how to motivate your team to perform at their best.
  • “Talking Budgets To The Non-budgeter” and learn how to adjust your financial language to make sure your message is understood.
  • “Placement And Positioning Are Not Only For Stock” but also to understand how different team members function best – together and on their own.
Want to create a culture that promotes unique abilities?
  • “Managing Different Bodies – Breaking Down Office Politics” to tailor your workplace with a culture your team will call home.
  • “Creating A Laterally Productive Environment” to focus on building the right teams for the right projects.

Managing Yourself

Working with customers?
  • “Customer Service – What Other HealthTypes™ Want” to learn the keys behind your customers buying patterns, motivations and expectations.
Having a hard time with someone at work?
  • “Speaking The Same Language” to help understand why it’s difficult to get past the barriers and how to go about it.
  • “Interpersonal Skills – How To Get What Everyone Wants” to learn how to negotiate the fears and desires of the people you work with.
Changing roles or just want to be better at what you do?
  • “Transferring Your Unique Talents” to bring those natural gifts you have in life into your workplace or new role.
  • “Gathering And Supporting Confidence” to use your own natural gifts and support those of others at the same time.

Health Ambassador Retreats

Imagine living and breathing your ideal epigenetics. In an environment where all your needs are supported, allowing you to simply relax and just be… as the healthiest version of you. Experience what it is truly like to live your optimal surroundings, learn more about the way your unique body functions and embrace the confidence of understanding what it feels like to know that you have exactly what you need to succeed right here in your body. Emerge full of life, vitality and a refreshed perspective on the simplicity of health and happiness.

Corporate Retreats

There is no better way to learn than from experience. At a ShaeWellness™ retreat, you are surrounded with knowledgeable, supportive specialists to help you uncover exactly what your raw genius is and how to apply it in every situation at work.

Together with an in-depth understanding of the other people at the retreat, your perception of your talents, strengths and how you relate to others is irrevocably changed, letting you emerge from the experience newly motivated, empowered and enthused to share your natural gifts with the rest of your workplace (and the world).

Attend as an individual or book an exclusive team retreat for your company.

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