Welcome to your 30 Day Health Challenge with ShaeWellness!

Your ONE STOP for all the resources you need to for your 30 Day Health Challenge! Find Live Call links, replays, FAQs and more! 

30 Day Challenge Official Activities:

Further Resources

Your Challenge starts on Monday, MONTH, DAY, where we jump right in to feeding, fueling, and focusing on mental and physical health for 30 days!

1. LIVE Call Replays

MON June 14th - Week 1 Call & Start with Shae™!

All you need to Do: Today you simply start following along your Shae profile and Daily Routine in your app for your first day on the Challenge! Call Time: 12pm – 12:45pm CLICK TO JOIN

MON June 21st - LIVE CALL

Week 2 REPLAY: 

MON June 28th - LIVE CALL

Week 3 REPLAY: 

MON July 5th - LIVE CALL

Week 4 REPLAY:

MON July 12th - LIVE CALL

Week 5 REPLAY: 


Profile Party Time: Book it with your Team

!CRITICALLY IMPORTANT STEP TO COMPLETE YOUR CHALLENGE! Today is the day to track all your success with a Profile Party! What’s a PROFILE PARTY? Getting the Team together to update their Health Questionnaire to get the last of the Challenge points AND see their incredible progress! Update your Profile Questionnaire in the morning, at lunch time, or when you get home. Just make sure you DO IT to get the points and see your REAL-TIME progress before the Challenge ends!


Call Time: 12pm – 12:30pm AEST

Click here to join at 12pm AEST to hear the top winners and prizes, plus where to go from here!

2. Dr Cam Explains...

Meet The Challenge Support Team

We Are Ready To Support You Through This Amazing 30-Day Challenge
Rebekah Morrison
Co-Founder of Shae

Rebekah’s personal and professional passion for health and wellness has fueled her creativity in communication media, cognitive processing, and behavioural change. As a qualified Health Professional with a business background from Adelaide, Australia; building a physiotherapy clinic for high performance athlete support in SA and QLD laid the groundwork required to monitor the variances of interpretation and preferred modes of effective communication with clients, as well as business operations. Rebekah brings her solid background in communication, behaviour change, and health science to ShaeWellness digital products and services.

Katey Leigh
VP, Communications

Holding two decades in public and private corporate sectors, Katey is an enthusiastic fan of personalised health – a direct result of her own experience. Originally from Vancouver, Canada, and now on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Katey holds an Ma. Professional Communications specialising in International and Intercultural Communications; three international peer-recognised awards; and a Personalised Health Coach endorsement. Combining her professional background with her personal passion for health and wellness, inspires her every day. Katey has a specialisation in the area of biologically-driven communication, leadership, and relational tendencies. This focus on the human psyche guides powerful shifts for Leaders and Staff Members. Healthy communication starts with a healthy you.

Dr Cam McDonald
VP, Education

From Gundegai NSW, now residing in Brisbane QLD, Dr Cam is a leader, educator, scientist, motivator and a Crusader on a mission. As an educator and mentor to hundreds of health professionals, a dedicated health practitioner, and coach to thousands of individuals over his career, Cam has a wisdom and manner that allows people to confidently take a positive step towards their best life. Working with ShaeWellness and the principles of how the brain and body are interconnected systems, has allowed him to support individuals to fully understand their natural make-up, and harness their natural strengths to support their endeavours in health and careers.

Anne Larson
Director, Health Professionals

From the Sunshine Coast QLD, Anne holds over 34 years in mental health, therapy, coaching and education. She has trained as a Mental Health Social Worker, and in Family, Narrative, Acceptance & Commitment Therapies with further training in Brain Working Recursive Therapy. She received her Bachelor of Social Work, with a specialisation in Family Therapy, from Sydney University. Personalised Health and Epigenetic application has revolutionised her approach with her clinical application and resulting benefits. She could not fathom seeing her work without this integrative approach. Anne has managed the operational delivery of large mental health counselling services and provided clinical leadership and supervision to Psychologists, Social Workers, Drug and Alcohol Counsellors, Counsellors and Mental Health Nurses using reflective practice in both individual and team settings.

Get ahead of the game

Get prepared and confident by learning the basics towards achieving healthy success. These are the videos to watch to help you on your way.

Introducing the HealthTypes

The Healthtype Circle
How the Healthtypes Think
How the HealthTypes Thrive

The social needs of HealthTypes

Part 4: Welcome to the future of health

This is Epigenetics at Work

Shae™: Your Virtual Health Assistant


Foods ranked by best nutritional value for your unique needs


How will you master yours?


How should you connect?


Find out what fitness means for you


Your space and environmental needs


How will you leverage your natural strengths?

30 Day Workplace Challenge
Team Prizes & Rewards

Achieving results for yourself will have more impact than you may realise! You can do it!

What would it feel like on Day 30 to prioritise your personal mental and physical health for 30 days?

  • How good would your brain feel?
  • How good would your body feel?
  • What if you committed yourself for just 30 days, that’s just over 4 weeks, to YOU?
  • Why not go for it? What have you got to lose?


Professionally -
  • For your workplace team, perhaps it’s use of the prime parking spot for a month, or Casual Friday privileges all year?
  • What are some fun, relevant, and meaningful local prizes that would reward and entice you or your team?
AND Personally -
  • How will you personally reward yourself for your efforts?
  • What’s something you reward yourself with that your body and brain will LOVE to amplify your healthy habits beyond the 30 days?


What is ShaeWellness and Personalised Health all about?

Browse the short videos below for some more insights!

Personalised Health is the future of Health

How is Personalised Health relevant to me?

How can I use it in my life?

Part 1: Welcome to the future of health

Part 2: Welcome to the future of health

Part 3: Welcome to the future of health

Part 4: Welcome to the future of health

Part 5: Welcome to the future of health

Frequently Asked Questions

You have questions, we have answers. Read below, or contact us anytime.

Where do I find the HealthTypes Course?

You can find the HealthTypes Course here. When you tap “Enrol”, use Coupon Code: AHWC-HTC21 to gain access for free – compliments of ShaeWellness and Australia’s Healthiest Workplace Challenge.

Can I start to create my account, but do photo onboarding later?

To optimise your onboarding experience, wait until you have time to complete the download and the photo onboarding portion of your Shae app at the same time.

I have a "Locked" Screen, now what do I do?

There’s nothing more you need to do! If you have the app, and you got the locked screen, you are set. The Locked screen is where you should be and you will be notified when the unlocking begins on Monday of Week 2. Week 1 is full of other resources sent via email, on the Hub page, and in the Facebook Group.

What is the 30 Day Challenge?

The 30 Day Health Challenge is 30 days of focusing on YOU! All you need to do is follow along your simple lifestyle prompts from Shae! It’s also a way for companies to demonstrate to their staff they are committed to supporting you to be the happiest and healthiest version of you have ever been! It’s also a fun way to rally together with your coworkers to support one another in improving your health in a positive, collaborative, and supportive environment, with a little friendly competition thrown in the mix for a dash of excitement. And it’s 30 days of FUN! We know the skeptics will say “You can’t say ‘challenge’ and ‘fun’ in the same sentence.” But that’s exactly what we mean. ShaeWellness & Shae are on a mission to make healthy living a fun, rewarding, and engaging experience at work and at home.

Why am I participating in this Challenge?

You are participating in this 30 day Mental Health and Physical Wellness Challenge to minimise your mental and physical health risks, and maximise your quality of life! because you are being given an opportunity to access the world’s first epigenetic (genetics + lifestyle) health calculator that delivers individualised health information tailored specifically to YOU! It starts with you – getting to know your biology, discovering how unique you are, and what works for you regarding mind, food, stress, sleep, movement, social interactions and teamwork, environment, natural talents and the time of day that is best for all these things! We just happen to be the experts in this area and are excited to take you on this journey of discovering what is best for YOU.

What should I expect?

Expect fantastic results and you will receive them!
Expect to have fun!
Expect to learn fascinating insights!
Expect a little friendly competition! ?
If you commit to your health and wellness, you can expect to get healthy and happy. The camaraderie, support, teamwork, and connection increases the fun factor and the healthy challenge will improve your sleep, pain, stress, weight, and brain function. Everybody wins!

What do I have to do?

Download your App. Create your Personalised Profile. And put your profile into practice with friendly tips from Shae for 30 days! You are gaining access to personalised health insights unlike anything you have seen before. Make a full-on commitment to your own health for 30 Days by following the insights on your profile and Shae app; Track results as your go; and hop on the LIVE weekly calls for clarity, inspiration, and fun connections! Let’s go! And watch your stress, confusion, and overwhelm melt away as you learn what is best for your unique body, and begin to FEEL the results – sometimes almost immediately!

Can a Team Leader add more Team Members after Friday?

Yes, Team Leaders have until the end of Week 1 to add more Team Members. Please alert your Challenge Representative of any new Team additions.

Will Team Leaders get a notification of who's redeemed their profiles?

No, Team Leaders will need to proactively confirm their Team Members have successfully created an account.

Will the company be tracked for points as a whole, or individual Team names within the company?

The company will be tracked for points as a whole. Team names are for companies to use for internal fun, they will not be tracked or segregated, and the company as a whole will accrue points from all their team members.

Further Health Support Request Form

Further mental and physical health support is available through our ShaeWellness network of trained Health Professionals. Apply for further health support by filling out the webform below and a ShaeWellness Team representative will be in touch with you. All fields must be filled out to be considered an eligible application. Your first 30mins consultation is free, further support will be a paid service.

Thank you! Your privacy is of utmost importance to us and your personal information will not be shared with your company. A ShaeWellness representative will be in touch with you soon.