Your Personalized ShaeWellness Health Challenge

Welcome to your ShaeWellness Health Challenge! The purpose of this program is to support you in making the best possible decisions for yourself and your teammates when it comes to health, culture, and productivity performance. We want YOU to achieve the results YOU want for your physical and mental health over our time together, while feeling energized at work and home!

What's ShaeWellness and Personalized Health all about?

Browse the short videos below for some more insights!

Personalized health is the future of health

How is personalized health relevant to me?

How can I use it in my life?

Part 1: Welcome to the future of health

Part 2: Welcome to the future of health

Part 3: Welcome to the future of health

Part 4: Welcome to the future of health

Part 5: Welcome to the future of health

What to expect

You have questions, we have answers. Read below, or contact us anytime.

What is the Health Challenge?

The Health Challenge is focusing on YOU! It’s a way for companies to demonstrate to their staff they are committed to supporting you to be the happiest and healthiest version of you have ever been!

It’s also a fun way to rally together with your coworkers to support one another in improving your health in a positive, collaborative, and supportive environment, with a little friendly competition thrown in the mix for a dash of excitement.

And it’s a time of FUN! We know the skeptics will say “You can’t say ‘challenge’ and ‘fun’ in the same sentence.” But that’s exactly what we mean. ShaeWellness & Shae™ are on a mission to make healthy living a fun, rewarding, and engaging experience at work and at home.

Why am I participating in this?

You are participating in this health and wellness challenge because you are being given an opportunity to access the world’s most comprehensive health calculator and lifestyle planner delivering individualized health information tailored specifically to YOU in all areas of life.

You are one very lucky person! Your team are showing their commitment to you and your health by facilitating this rare opportunity to learn what makes your body and mind healthy down to the molecular level.

It starts with you – getting to know yourself, discovering how unique you are, and what works for you regarding food, stress, sleep, movement, social interactions and teamwork, environment, natural talents and the time of day that is best for all these things!

We just happen to be the experts in this area and are excited to take you on this journey of discovering what is best for YOU.

What do I have to do?

You are gaining access to personalized health insights unlike anything you have seen before. To receive this unparalleled level of customized information, you and your coworkers will follow 3 simple steps:

1. Make a full-on commitment to your own health during your Health Challenge by following the insights on your Shae™ app

2. Check in with Shae™, and tell Shae™ how you’re doing in your app by tapping the blue Shae™ orb in top right of your homescreen

4. Turn up and get involved in your LIVE HealthChat calls each week over the 5 weeks

And watch your stress, confusion, and overwhelm melt away as you learn what is best for your unique body, and begin to FEEL the results – sometimes almost immediately!

What should I expect?

Expect fantastic results and you will receive them!

Expect to have fun!

Expect to learn fascinating insights!

Expect a little friendly competition! ?

But seriously…if you commit to your health and wellness, our results show you can expect to get healthy and happy results. The camaraderie, support, teamwork, and connection increases the fun factor and the healthy challenge will improve your sleep, pain, stress, weight, and brain function. Everybody wins!

Shae™: Your Virtual Health Assistant

Dubbed by the media as “Siri for your health”.

ShaeWellness uses the Shae™ app – the ultimate tool for personalized health info given to you in real time, right at your fingertips.

Simple to navigate

A user-friendly dashboard displays your profile in full colour

Easily downloadable

Available on Apple and Google App Stores

Health without thinking

Shae™ is designed to be your personal virtual health assistant

Personalized health insights

To increase energy, productivity, and health levels while at work and at home.


The short answer is No. ShaeWellness is very different to any “Type” concept. It considers many more variables that affect the way your body functions in real-time. A “Type” concept assumes that your constitution remains the same regardless of your circumstances. But it is now a commonly accepted fact that our environment has a large effect on your gene expression and body function, as does your age, as does your gender, as does your family history, etc. So ShaeWellness and the ph360 engine consider your “Type” as just one of many factors that it calculates in order to provide you with accurate health information based on your current circumstances. There are 4 blood types (according to Dr. D’Adamo’s “Blood Type Diet” science). That means these diets place the whole world population into 4 categories. ShaeWellness and ph360 do not place anyone into any 1 category and personalises everything with thousands of layers of details because we are all unique and not able to be grouped into such simple categories. The principles behind the genotype and blood type diets aren’t wrong, just like Ayurvedic types (kapha, vata, pitta). The genotype and the Ayurvedic type are all puzzle pieces we use in layers to create the unique diet that best fits you. Here’s an example. Kale, in this site, is identified as beneficial for everyone. However, if you have a risk of a lower functioning thyroid, kale must be avoided. And if you have a risk of kidney or gall stones, then kale must also be avoided. And if you have diverticulitis and some other inflammatory conditions of the digestive system, that kale must be reduced or juiced.

Shae has over 25,000 recipes waiting for you! To access them, go to your Side Panel > Food > Healthy Recipes to explore!

Within the ShaeWellness and HealthType circle concept, each person will exhibit a majority of biological attributes of one HealthType which is their primary HealthType. According to the science of Anthropometry, the three main body types, called “somatotypes”, which  sit on a spectrum of Ectomorph>>Mesomorph>>Endomorph. A person will sit somewhere along this spectrum and can be classified as a pure Ecto, Ecto-Meso, Pure Meso, Meso-Endo, Pure Endo or Endo-Ecto based upon where they sit on this wheel. Where they sit will be determined by their skeletal measurements in the Shae assessment.

Your Food List will update each time you update your photo, measurements or questionnaire inside your personal health assessment!

This is Epigenetics at Work

Shae™: Your Virtual Health Assistant


Foods ranked by best nutritional value for your unique needs


How will you master yours?


How should you connect?


Find out what fitness means for you


Your space and environmental needs


How will you leverage your natural strengths?

Need more support?

If you would like to contact ShaeWellness directly regarding any feedback from your ShaeWellness experience or for any other related enquiries, please contact ShaeWellness at [email protected].